My friends,
Please watch this 11-minute video. The left is trying to make it sound like the 'end of democracy'. (Have you heard that before?) It's possibly the saving of our system of government.
You know that saying about if you have to tell a lie, make it as close to the truth as possible because it's easier to remember and not get caught.
Well, for a change of pace, the left is only lying a little on this one. :-)
They do a good job of interspersing bits of truth, kind of like putting a stunt man in a movie - hoping no one notices the difference.
And most conservatives will not be surprised at the actual facts, but it would be so great if others were a little open-minded and actually checked a few facts.
The 11-minute video is the left's smear campaign on Project 2025. Here’s Dr. Kevin Roberts response to that. It’s an admirable project put together by a coalition of about 110 organizations. Project 2025 is portrayed like it tells the president what to do. How silly is that? Like anyone could tell Trump how to run the country. It's an expert-rendered menu of options to bring America back to a safe and prosperous nation. (Mostly Trump’s policies he won on the first time.) For once, conservatives have used some strategy that will serve us well if implemented.
It seems the left has been ahead of conservatives for decades in the strategy department. We're past due to get organized and follow a plan.
It's totally true that the plan is an outline of how to:
- organize and implement a conservative agenda (That's the whole point, same as the liberals.)
- get rid of the Dept of Ed
- fight wokeness including DEI in the military and law enforcement
- protect children from transgender medical care
- decrease the size of government (Think of your tax dollars!)
- decrease bureaucracy (Think of your tax dollars!)
- use the power of the Executive Branch
- secure the southern border
- deport large numbers of illegal immigrants
- help retain our God-given freedoms
- allow the president to fire any number of bad and/or superfluous employees (Schedule F) (Just like any employer)
- re-establish Congress' purview over the FBI
- use common sense about energy and climate
The 4 pillars are just like running a business.
1. Business plan
2. Recruitment and human resources
3. Training
4. Procedures Manual
At this time, due, in great part, to the Supreme Court's recent decision on the Chevron Deference, a small step in the direction of right-sizing government agencies can begin.
The Department of Education has been a mess for a while. More people are aware of it since covid brought to their attention some facts about public schools.
The commentary in the video talks about wanting to get rid of 'woke', like that would be a bad thing.
The commentary in the video also talks about the Executive Branch 'gutting' checks and balances if the president can fire employees and determine if agencies are doing the job. The commentary in the video says he will replace them with right-wing extremists. Read it again, sir; it's about downsizing. (Frankly, each and every administration replaces everyone it can with their own kind. It would be foolish to work with people who believe the opposite of you.) Congress still has the power of impeachment if needed. Checks and balances are just fine, thank you. The courts still get involved if it's a criminal matter. The new SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity covers that. Remember the job of government is to protect citizens' God-given rights. Self-governance may be returned to We the People.
Recently, both the president and some agencies have been abusing their powers. I think anyone with common sense must know that. The Executive Branch already has the power of Executive Orders, and the current administration has abused that to the extent of thumbing its nose at the Supreme Court and the Constitution.
Yes, many people do consider subjecting children to transgender medical 'care’ to be radical. Leftists brought about woke and transgender issues, and now they are calling them 'culture war politics' when conservatives want to curtail that damage.
I snort-laughed when the guy said the 'FBI is a fairly conservative organization'.
Oh my. The DOJ might attack the president's political enemies? The last 3.5 years has had many instances of that - no question. Expecting the DOJ to be consistent with rule of law. Yeah, that's radical all right. Here we have the usual: left accusing the right of what it's doing.
When did loyalty to an employer become radical? I must have missed that...
Unitary Executive Theory is suddenly bad when every president has had it? And it's based on the Constitution. The whole point of a president is to be a leader, to have authority.
The commentary says if all policies are implemented, it will draw lawsuits. Hello. How many times has AG Ken Paxton sued the Biden administration. Law suits are the temper tantrums of politics, or maybe the time out.
Congress has the power to create and eliminate agencies, not the president? Hm, he needs to brush up a bit. (
The last few seconds of the video say it all.
God bless America
This Substack is my own opinion.
If you want to know more about the attempted assassination and what the pundits are saying, click here.
Ronald Reagan: "The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave."
John F. Kennedy: "Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country."
Theodore Roosevelt: "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
Dwight D. Eisenhower: "A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both."
Abraham Lincoln: "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.",
Until next time…
Please share your thoughts in the comments. Or email me, and let’s have a problem-solving conversation. I welcome ‘letters to the editor’ type emails and may publish yours. I hope we can create a caucus with positive, back-to-the-founders’-dream-for-America results. Have a topic you want to know more about?
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