The last few days I’ve seen several articles and posts that indicate conservatives are gaining ground. Don’t stop now! Several examples below for your enjoyment.
GOP Could Gain Up to 7 Seats in Senate, 50 Seats in House, Gingrich Says
More Voters Favor Republican Control of Congress
House midterms: Past the point of no return
Election polling by Gallup - Majority continue to say U.S. Government is too powerful
MSNBC Reporter Gets Totally Owned by Pro-Trump Panel on What Actually Happened on January 6
NY Supreme Court Reinstates Unvaccinated Employees With Back Pay
Eagle Forum Defeats DOJ, Stopping Sweeping Subpoena
Judge orders Fauci, Biden officials to be deposed in social media collusion case
And from Heritage Action for America:
There are a number of races that are within a point or two. Republicans could win as many as 54 seats in the Senate, or as few as 47 or 48 seats.
It’s important to know that polls can be used as a tool to suppress votes in a tight election. In the final days before an election, swing voters may see a candidate pulling ahead flip to the candidate they anticipate winning, or conservative voters may stay home because they think their vote won’t help their preferred candidate win. Corporate media wants conservatives to believe that they are in the minority and they are the only one. It’s important that conservatives get out and vote!
Guide To Working Elections in Your State
There are some counties that are still looking for volunteers to work election day! There are two ways you can help on election day.
Poll Worker – A Poll Worker is a sworn election official tasked with enforcing state election laws and deciding the course of action should an abnormality arise at the polls. Tasks include setting up voting machines, checking-in voters, and tallying the votes.
>> How to Get Involved: To become a Poll Worker, apply at your local county election’s office. An appointment may also be needed from the local county party. Training is provided by the county election office and/or the Secretary of State’s office.
Poll Watcher – A Poll Watcher is a volunteer representing a candidate, political party, or a political committee. Responsibilities are to observe the election process and report any suspected abnormalities or irregularities.
>> How to Get Involved: To become a Poll Watcher, you will need to acquire a credential or authorization from the candidate, party, or political committee. Training may also be required. It is encouraged that watchers review and understand the laws governing the election process.
Read more in Heritage Action’s How-To Guide To Being an Election Worker. If you have any questions on how you can get involved in ensuring elections are fair and secure in your state, reach out to your county GOP office or your precinct chair!
“Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.”
– James Bovard
Until next time…
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