We see it every day. For a while now - most noticeably since the Covid lockdowns and mask and vaccine mandates - it’s been impossible to miss.
Double standards instead of equal treatment under the law. How Antifa and BLM were allowed to riot, and burn, and do physical harm to citizens and law enforcement alike with basically no consequences versus how the January 6 Trump supporters, ones who never entered the capitol have been treated, not just inhumanely, not just against their Constitutional rights, but with absolute hate and degradation, unbelievably mistreated to the point of illness and driven to suicide. If America saw another country treating anyone this way - enemy or not - we would call them out in global media and demand a solution. The recent FBI raid on Mar a Lago, supposedly for security documents is another example of double standards. Never done before. When previous presidents have documents from their time in office, it has not led to this extreme action. There are multiple schools of thought on this, and, even now, no real reason seems to be forthcoming.
This is not the America we know and love, that our loved ones have fought and died for.
However… America is the country of hope. We know the recent un-American issues don’t define us. We will move forward to bring America back to her ‘shining city on a hill’ status.
Freedom of speech. Freedom of religion. God-given rights. Americans are fighting to bring our government back to its duty of protecting those rights. We must remember the Constitution says We the People are supposed to control our ‘limited government’. Let’s get back to our duty too.
Rule of Law means that the law must be applied equally to government and citizens, that there are clear and fair processes, and human rights are guaranteed for all. Again, this is not what we’ve been seeing in recent times. Return to Rule of Law is up to us.
The point is this: The weaponized government and media has to stop. We have to bring America back to the nation the rest of the world revered and respected, the nation of prosperity, freedom and hope. A nation of Americans, not divided factions.
I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. You are in this battle to save America.
What can we do? I hear that question a lot. Vote! Yes, vote, but not just vote, so much more. Everyone can’t do everything, but everyone can do something.
We can continue to educate ourselves, and if you aren’t familiar with these organizations, check them out: Heritage Action, Leadership Institute, CCDF-USA, Texas Public Policy Foundation, Open the Books, and First Liberty. They support Constitutional values, and we can support organizations like these that make our voices and votes count.
For example, oversight is a huge part, especially from a strong organization like Heritage. Heritage’s new Oversight Project ‘will actively and aggressively provide meaningful oversight and accountability through in-house oversight operations, and also serve as a resource for the conservative movement. The administrative state will never investigate itself... Heritage is home to professionals with experience investigating the administrative state and deep policy experience that can make sense of the damage being wrought, and who can help others in state capitals and the conservative movement hold our government accountable.’
So, yes, vote. Thank you! And help inform others. Speak out; someone else is waiting for you to go first. Join a group of like-minded people, make new friends, get support, learn and share. Keep the faith. “Duty is ours. Results are God’s.” - John Quincy Adams
VoteTexas.gov, https://www.votetexas.gov/get-involved/index.html
Until next time…
Please share your thoughts in the comments. Or email me, and let’s have a problem-solving conversation. I welcome ‘letters to the editor’ type emails and may publish yours. I hope we can create a caucus with positive, back-to-the-founders’-dream-for-America results. Have a topic you want to know more about?
You can always see everything on the website, ellenleyrer.substack.com.
Thanks again for reading! I’m glad you’re here!
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