Hello friends and activists,
ERIC is Electronic Registration Information Center
ERIC costs Texans about $1.5 million annually currently. In addition, AI (artificial intelligence) will be a significant additional cost. ERIC also sends our private identifiable information to (left-leaning) third party vendors.
ERIC - The Electronic Registration Information Center – A dream database for voter fraud - ERIC is a nation-wide voter data-gathering system, funded by the Pew Center and an “anonymous” donor, the Soros Open Society. Designed by activists in 2014, it is a membership organization established to maintain states’ voter rolls. Please don’t misunderstand. Legitimate maintenance of voter rolls, although required of every state by law, was not the intent of ERIC.
ERIC’s advertised purpose at its outset was to provide states a system of voter roll management. Provision of this data to the public is something that the Democrat Party has fought against for decades, since the NVRA (“motor voter” act) became federal law in 1993. That Act allows public inspection of “voter list maintenance records” which has become hugely contentious since 2020. The Public Interest Legal Foundation has recently sued the District of Columbia for its records rather than attempting FOIA requests, which are so often stalled or ignored by this regime. …Know that ERIC is not forthcoming with the vast amount of voter data it has in its possession, and this IS against the law.
ERIC … charges each member $25,000 annual membership fee in addition to itemized costs for its services.
ERIC mandates each state to submit ALL details on every voter, both active and inactive, to ERIC every 60 days, plus motor vehicle registration divisions. This provides ERIC the information on everyone with a drivers license or even a learner’s permit PLUS all ID recipients which include illegals, elderly shut-ins, etc. ERIC also mandates potential voters be contacted about registering. The one thing that is NOT mandated is that voter rolls be purged – the ostensible reason behind the organization. ERIC sends their data updates approximately every 425 days (14 months?!), whether or not it is requested.
THIS is key: “Under no circumstances shall the members transmit any record indicating an individual is a non-citizen of the U.S.” Clearly, the intent is to register people to vote regardless of eligibility.
All this at the taxpayers’ expense, millions of dollars per state. In other words, with ERIC, citizens are paying for the destruction of their own voter integrity, and this hurts both parties.
And that’s not all. Read the full article here.
With the knowledge that ERIC is personal/private information to the max, then passed around to multiple people and organizations, plus, heavily skewed to the left, citizens are demanding change. Some states are getting out of ERIC.
Alabama - Secretary of State Wes Allen officially withdraws from ERIC Organization
Louisiana - Suspended ERIC 1/27/2022 Effectively Immediately
Texas - Withdrawing from ERIC is being evaluated. Some bills about voter rolls have been filed this 88th Legislative Session. Contact your representative and senator to speak your mind. Also, register below to receive updates.
Though this nationwide program claims to help states maintain voter rolls by identifying potential registered voters who have passed away, moved out of state, or have duplicate registrations, ERIC fails miserably to perform those tasks. The cost is outrageous, but the biggest issue is the collection of personal data from voter lists as well as driver’s license data, which includes minors who are not old enough to vote.
Just think, teeny-tiny ERIC has access to the personal and legally protected information of 61% of all driver-aged and older residents of this nation.
ERIC’s contract allows it to share all this legally protected, personally identifiable information (PII) with any subcontractor of its choosing. Not even state officials, let alone local election clerks, are privy to its inner workings.
To make matters worse, because ERIC is a third party, it is not subject to Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests. Federally mandated transparency laws do not apply to ERIC, and we all know (democracy and) constitutional republics die in darkness.
For more details and resources, click here.
Who’s “Cleaning” Our Voter Rolls? Soros Founded and Funded ERIC Is Now Used In 31 States
In addition to similar information shared above, this source (Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit) quotes statistics and has graphs.
Dr. Dana Meyers, Republican Vice Chair, Republican Party of Texas and her team will be sending out alerts on Election Integrity and ERIC throughout the legislative session. This is a great added benefit to everyone interested in the issue.
To get alerts you can use the QR code below to sign up, or here’s the link.
Resources for the above information are the websites linked to.
INFOGRAPHIC: Key Revelations of the ‘Twitter Files’
Americans Largely Pessimistic About U.S. Prospects in 2023
School Choice Would Benefit Rural Students in Texas (1/17/2023)
Parents pay at least one monthly bill for 40 percent of millennials (2/2/2023)
Newsrooms Are Now Officially Democrats’ Newsletter Operations (2/1/2023)
VoteTexas.gov, https://www.votetexas.gov/get-involved/index.html
Shocking! U. S. National Debt Clock
Until next time…
Please share your thoughts in the comments. Or email me, and let’s have a problem-solving conversation. I welcome ‘letters to the editor’ type emails and may publish yours. I hope we can create a caucus with positive, back-to-the-founders’-dream-for-America results. Have a topic you want to know more about?
You can always see everything on the website, ellenleyrer.substack.com.
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