Defending Marriage and Religious Liberty
Or a pre-election bid to detract from inflation, crime, immigration...
Respect for Marriage Act (H.R. 8404)
As is common, the name of this bill is the opposite of its content. It would radically redefine marriage under federal law, far beyond the issue of same-sex marriage.
If liberals only wanted gay marriage, this bill would be moot. Gay marriage is already legal. Liberals want to codify, not only same-sex marriage, but also because the bill is so poorly written, it opens up numerous loopholes to federally legalize polygamy and child marriages. Drafting errors? Could be. Could be just an election talking point.
This bill also targets religious people of faith. This law creates a path for ACLU and Marxist lawyers to sue people of faith for not performing or recognizing same-sex marriages. The tax-exempt status of churches, synagogues, and religiously affiliated universities would be put into question.
The House passed H.R. 8404 (‘No Marriage Rules’) on July 19th, and a
vote in the Senate could come any day.
Take Action: Call your senators and urge them to oppose H.R. 8404.
-Radically redefines marriage and is another attempt to override states’ rights: States would no longer be allowed to recognize marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman. Instead, they would be forced to recognize any union between individuals, regardless of sex, as marriage. Concerningly, the bill would even require states and individuals to recognize any kind of relationship deemed to be marriage such as polygamy, against their own religious or conscience objections, if just one other state recognizes it in law. That’s right; if California, for example, decides polygamy or child marriage are legal, all other states must follow. [The Tenth Amendment in the Bill of Rights expresses the principle of federalism, also known as states' rights, by stating that the federal government has only those powers delegated to it by the Constitution, and that all other powers not forbidden to the states by the Constitution are reserved to each state. Big government only wants to get bigger by federalizing whatever it can.]
-Threatens religious liberty: The bill would imply that individuals who support traditional marriage hold bigoted views, and would exclude and marginalize those who disagree with the Left’s position on same-sex marriage. The IRS could even use this bill to punish religious non-profits and infringe on the exercise of religious liberty.
-Undermines the nuclear family: While a child is intrinsically valuable and equal no matter the circumstances of their birth or childhood, the best way for a child to grow up is in a family with one or both parents who will love, guide, and protect them throughout their lives. The Left’s attacks on the nuclear family and marriage are aimed at breaking down the basic tenets of family. (Related is the hot button of schools’ keeping secrets form the parents and telling the students that their parents are the bad guys.) Marriage is not some mere social convention authorized by the state. It is a key pillar of civilization for which all Americans should fight.
What to watch for: Any amendment to address these issues would need 60 votes to pass. Senators on the right who care about religious liberty are working on the issue, but it remains to be seen if Democrats would agree to an amendment.
You can sign up for updates on this bill at GovTrack,
Take Action: Call your senators and urge them to oppose H.R. 8404.
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Until next time…
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