
Are you familiar with Charlotte Iserbyt and her group of individuals who have been warning parents and anyone willing to be educated on the issues within education? Unfortunately, she passed on to her just reward on February 8, 2022, but their efforts live on at her website, deliberatedumbingdown.com.

There are many issues with the public K-12 curriculum. While The Common Core State Standards Initiative (Common Core) was unveiled under Obama in 2010, it was the product of the National Governors Association, headed by Mike Huckabee (R-AR) and the Council of Chief State School Officers. This dictated the public K-12 curriculum. When parents began to realize what was happening to their children in 2013, an uproar ensued.

CASEL (Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning) followed Common Core, further separating students from the traditional K-12 curriculum.

In 2015, Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and SOH Paul Ryan (R-WI) rammed through the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act). This was seen as a gift to Obama and the Secretary of the DofEd, Arne Duncan. While the ESSA was ballyhooed as an opportunity for public schools to implement their own curriculum, that was in the bold print. For a public school or public school district to implement its own curriculum, it must be willing to forfeit federal funding. The ESSA is the law of the land!

Federal funding accounts for about 10% of the overall public K-12 funding, and I am unaware of any public school or school district that has been willing to forfeit federal funding. With 10% funding of public K-12 education, the federal government controls 100% of the curriculum.

This 100% control comes with an asterisk. The federal government establishes the floor of a curriculum that is designed to prevent K-12 students from learning the basics of education from days gone by. If a school board seeks to make the educational environment even worse, it appears that the federal government has embraced a laissez-faire attitude. Addressing the public K-12 curriculum at the local level is only half the battle, and I am unaware of anyone addressing the curriculum issue with their U. S. Rep and U. S. Senators.

This has led to a movement pushing school choice. School choice has an inviting ring to it, but let's step back a bit to see what is being pushed. I believe most people want school choice, even if they don't have any children in public K-12 education. Many pay for ever-horrific public K-12 education via personal property taxes!

The challenge with every school choice effort is that it is tied to some form of tax-funding. Tax-funding brings government control. Whatever the government funds, it controls, by law. If we wipe away all of the horse-hockey of tax-funded school choice, the ultimate goal is not to improve K-12 educational opportunities, but to ensnare K-12 students who attend non-public schools. Once non-public schools accept tax-funding in any form, they become public schools. Instead of offering choice, tax-funded school choice steals all school choice.

Improving K-12 education will only come when parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, students, taxpayers, etc., are educated on the underlying issues that are rarely, if ever, discussed by those who have an agenda to deliberately dumb down successive generations of our children.

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Thank you for this! I will share with others I know working on education. God bless youbless

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I hope this helps. Eliminating the DofEd without eliminating the ESSA will do nothing to improve K-12 education. People will be excited about something that is a false flag event.

Tax-funded school choice is pushed by every Kock-funded organization. Because Koch-funded organizations are correct on other issues, people assume they are correct on the school choice issue. Nothing could be further from the truth. Actually, this is a very insidious way of deliberately dumbing down our children. Because it is such an emotional issue and people see a potential tax break/benefit for tax-funded school choice, they don't see the bigger picture.

Also, there is a political umbilical cord between the GOP (Globalist Owned Predators) and Koch-funded organizations, further blinding people to what is offered as a solution to a school curriculum that is designed to frustrate parents and children, alike. The Demoncrats are in on the deliberate dumbing down of public K-12 education, too, making it difficult for parents and children to find a genuine solution.

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Would you be willing to contact the Texas education director of Citizens Defending Freedom? She was very happy to get the information in your comment, and the CDF Texas team is in DC right now, meeting with Congress this week.

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I am open to discussing this issue with anyone open to do so, as well. What is CDF's goal with improving K-12 education? Are those affiliated with CDF familiar with the ESSA? Are they aware that, at least to my knowledge, every school choice effort is tied to some form of tax-funding, be it vouchers, tax-credits, money following the child, etc.?

I have a good friend locally who knows more of the nuts and bolts of K-12 education than I do. She has worked tirelessly in Topeka (KS) to bring about beneficial changes, but it is difficult to overcome the lobbyists and party leadership. She is a friend of a fellow Substacker who shares a daily Substack with me. She worked with Charlotte Iserbyt. My comfort level is more in the abstract realm, so it helps to have those who are more comfortable with the concrete aspects, so that we can communicate with a wider audience.

I'm still learning the opportunities with Substack. If you know how to contact me by email, I'm open to discussing this opportunity with you via email or over the phone. I have a couple of events scheduled tomorrow, but I can work around them, or we can see how the rest of the week looks for you, me, and your friend. The whole reason for me posting what I post is to help others to see issues from a different perspective.

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I asked her if I may share her email address with you. Will get back to you prob tomorrow. Thanks!

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I look forward to seeing how I might be able to help out.

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