Child Marriage, Polygamy Legal in the U.S.
How HR 8404 will allow child marriage and more in every state
It’s called the ‘Respect for Marriage Act’. As is common, the name of this bill is the exact opposite of what it actually does. It pretends to be about same sex marriage, but same sex marriage is already legal, has been since 2015 by the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling.
The U.S. House has passed a bill that attacks marriage (HR 8404), and the U.S. Senate is rushing to have a full vote on it (S 4556) ASAP.
It makes any one state's marriage laws override the marriage laws in every other state - opens the door for child marriage, polygamy, and incestuous marriage.
Let me say that again - It overrides states’ rights. It brings the full weight of the federal Attorney General’s office in to file suit.
This bill and the subsequent overriding of States’ rights endangers our whole Constitution. Once States’ rights have been run over, a very dangerous precedent will have been set. The Federal government continues its overreach as far as We the People will let it.
And there are no religious exemptions included in this law.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) just did a Rule 14 procedure that bypasses all Senate committees and pushes this bill directly to the Senate floor for a full vote.
The Senate is our only chance to stop this bill. Sign the petition at this link, And contact your senators now and every day, whatever you feel is appropriate. You know if they pass this, it will be years, if ever, to un-do the damage. A sample letter is at the bottom of this newsletter.
Here are more details if you want them:
...Serves to undermine marriage, religious freedom and states’ rights. This matter is urgent. If passed, this bill will impose any definition of marriage on every state if just one state or territory recognizes it. While erasing states’ rights, the bill also forces all states to accept even polyamory, polygamy, child bride “marriages”, and more.
Every House Republican member from Utah supported this bill.
Already, Republican senators have expressed support for HR 8404. More Republicans are undecided or considering voting in favor. If just a few Republicans vote for it, HR 8404 will pass.
The Senate Republican leadership does not appear to be whipping votes against this bill. It is up to us to contact senators and let them know that we strongly oppose HR 8404, a bill that will deconstruct marriage, assault religious freedom and override states’ rights.
HR 8404 goes far beyond same-sex marriage because it empowers one state to set national marriage policy—including incestuous marriage (father-daughter or mother-son) and more.
That is one of the many types of marriage allowed by this bill. It has no limits on the age of the individuals, no limits on family relationships and no requirements of the marital status of someone who wants to marry.
Also, while it currently applies to “a marriage between 2 individuals,” the bill would open the door to polygamy and polyamory by simply striking “2” before or after the bill is passed.
Stop HR 8404; contact your Senators.
School programs are being threatened. Children used as political weapons.
Time is short!
Every minute of every day we need one conservative senator on the floor to object to a voice vote. This will force a full vote.
The Senate vote on this bill will be very close. We need every senator we can get to stop this bill. Your voice can make the difference.
Sample letter to your senators:
Dear Senator,
I am deeply concerned about the “Respect for Marriage Act.” I believe this is a political stunt with devastating consequences. As it is written, if just one state allowed incestuous marriage (e.g., between a father and daughter or mother and son), this bill would force all 49 states to recognize and respect that “marriage.”
Also, if only one state allowed child brides, this same bill would force the other 49 states to immediately honor those as well! This is a Pandora’s Box. This bill goes far beyond just a “repeal” of the Defense of Marriage Act. Instead, it will force every state under the threat of law to recognize any and all marriages. One state can dictate the policy for the entire nation.
This is a federal law enslaving all 49 states to the bad laws of just one state.
This bill and the subsequent overriding of States’ rights endangers our whole Constitution. Once States’ rights have been run over, a very dangerous precedent will have been set. The Federal government continues its overreach as far as We the People will let it.
Vote NO on the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act.”
Read the full text of the bill here.
Until next time…
Please share your thoughts in the comments. Or email me, and let’s have a problem-solving conversation. I welcome ‘letters to the editor’ type emails and may publish yours. I hope we can create a caucus with positive, back-to-the-founders’-dream-for-America results. Have a topic you want to know more about?
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Dear Ellen,
Thank you for sounding the alarms for us who are trying to help save this country!
This bill wants to twist and distort and seeks to bring about a complete destruction to what the meaning of marriage is about. The family unit is the foundation upon which our country stands, it's where we get our strength, fortitude, resilience, honor, traditions, the list is endless. Marriage is the glue that should be holding families together and they want to dismantle this institution. It sickens me to the core what the Left is trying to accomplish.